Horse & Rider
P R E M I E R | |
If you are wanting the total experience, this is the package for you. Included in your Premier Package is a full 2 hour photo session as well as a black background shoot for your horse as well as multiple outfit changes. 40+ digital files completely edited and uploaded to a personalizes online gallery. This is the ultimate package!
- Two Hour Session + Multiple Outfit Changes
- 40+ Digital Images for Social Media Sharing
- One Black Background Session

| L U X |
This middle package gives you the perfect mix of options. In addition to your photo session, you will also receive one black background session for your horse. 30+ high quality digital images will be fully edited and provided to you in a personalized online gallery.
- Two Hour Session + Multiple Outfit Changes
- One Black Background Session
- 30+ Digital Images for Social Media Sharing
| C L A S S I C |
This simplified, classic package gives you a one hour session with you and your horse and the opportunity to capture the best, timeless images of your bond. In this session, you will be allowed one outfit change and will be provided 20+ high quality digital images completely edited which will be delivered in a personalized online gallery.
- One Hour Session
- One Outfit Change
- 20+ Digital Images for Social Media Sharing